Teaching, Learning & Transforming

The goal of Teaching, Learning, and Transforming is to create a storehouse for resources, ideas, and discussion about the state of our discipline, from classroom to fieldwork.  It includes curated collections from the journal’s archive as well as critical resources for writing syllabi and creating bibliographies that amplify the voices of Black, Indigenous, and People of Color, as well as scholarship from beyond the Euro-Atlantic.

Latest Issues of Reading the Archive

Reading the Archive

Issue 4 | Technology in Medical Anthropology

Megh Marathe

April 15, 2022

Table of Contents IntroductionArticles of the MAQ archivePedagogical materialsReferences Introduction This issue of Reading the Archives is focused on how technology has (and has not) appeared in MAQ. I bring a slightly distanced perspective as a medical anthropology-adjacent scholar of science and technology studies (STS), critical disability studies, and information studies, an intersection… (Continue Reading)

Reading the Archive

Issue 3 | Knowing Better? Epistemological Bounds in MAQ from 1975-2021

Laura A. Meek

August 4, 2021

Table of Contents IntroductionKnowing Better? Articles from the MAQ ArchivePedagogical Materials: Knowing and/as DoingPedagogical Materials: Knowledge and/as IgnorancePedagogical Materials: Knowing and/as DisqualifyingReferences Introduction This issue examines questions of epistemology in the MAQ archive from 1975 to today, exploring assumptions and interventions over what counts as knowledge, who is presumed to know, and how… (Continue Reading)

Reading the Archive

Issue 2 | Airs, Waters, Places: Reading the Environment in Medical Anthropology

Nadia Gaber

September 22, 2020

Table of Contents IntroductionSelected ArticlesPedagogical Materials Introduction It was mid-November, and an eerie haze surrounded the anthropologists gathered in San Jose, California for our annual meeting. Smoke from the raging wildfires up north had traveled the two hundred miles south to where we sat. Not only that, it also traveled more than three… (Continue Reading)

Reading the Archive

Issue 1 | Creating Disability, Creating Community: Disability in Medical Anthropology

Molly Bloom

October 28, 2019

By Molly Bloom, MAPhD Candidate, UCLA Anthropology Contents IntroductionSelected ArticlesPedagogical Resources Introduction When I began research for this virtual issue on disability in medical anthropology, I realized that the emerging field of Disability Anthropology owes a great deal to scholars who have contributed to Medical Anthropology Quarterly. For this virtual archive, I’ve chosen only… (Continue Reading)