
Please send general inquiries to [email protected].


Alex Nading
Department of Anthropology
Cornell University
[email protected]

Editorial Assistant

Yui Sasajima
Cornell University
[email protected]

Digital Editor

Jessica Robbins-Panko
Department of Anthropology and Institute of Gerontology
Wayne State University
[email protected]

Book Reviews Editor

Hanna Garth
Department of Anthropology
Princeton University
[email protected]
Mailing address for book review manuscripts:
Princeton University Department of Anthropology
116 Aaron Burr Hall
Princeton, NJ 08544

Reading the Archive Editor

Zoë Wool
Department of Anthropology
University of Toronto
[email protected]

Please Note: We have retired the email address [email protected]. Messages will be returned as undeliverable. Please contact us directly at the addresses above.

Page Details Permalink Last Updated: February 20, 2024