Editorial Board


Alex Nading
Department of Anthropology
Cornell University
[email protected]
[email protected]

Associate Editor

Zoë Wool
Department of Anthropology
University of Toronto
[email protected]

Editorial Assistant

Yui Sasajima
Cornell University
[email protected]

Digital Editor

Jessica Robbins-Panko
Department of Anthropology and Institute of Gerontology
Wayne State University
[email protected]

Book Reviews Editor

Hanna Garth
Department of Anthropology
Princeton University
[email protected]
Mailing address for book review manuscripts:
Princeton University Department of Anthropology
116 Aaron Burr Hall
Princeton, NJ 08544

Reading the Archive Editor

Zoë Wool
Department of Anthropology
University of Toronto
[email protected]

Editorial Board

Adia Benton, Northwestern University
Amy Moran-Thomas, MIT
Ann Kelly, King’s College London
Arachu Castro, Tulane University
Cal Biruk, McMaster University
Carolyn Smith-Morris, Southern Methodist University
Charles Briggs, University of California-Berkeley
Claire Wendland, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Dana-Aín Davis, Queens College and The Graduate Center, CUNY
Elizabeth F.S. Roberts, University of Michigan
Emily Yates-Doerr, Oregon State University/University of Amsterdam
Frédéric Keck, CNRS
Hannah Brown, Durham University
Helena Hansen, University of California Los Angeles
Janelle Taylor, University of Toronto
João Biehl, Princeton University
Jocelyn Lim Chua, University of North Carolina
Julie Livingston, New York University
Junko Kitanaka, Keio University
Kenneth MacLeish, Vanderbilt University
Lesley Sharp, Barnard College
Melina Salvador, University of California San Francisco
Nadia Gaber, University of California San Francisco
Nessette Falu, University of Central Florida
Nicholas Shapiro, University of California Los Angeles
Omar Dewachi, Rutgers University
Sean Brotherton, University of Chicago
Peter Redfield, University of Southern California
Rob Lorway, University of Manitoba
Sherine Hamdy, University of California Irvine
Sienna Craig, Dartmouth College
Stacey Langwick, Cornell University
Stacy Leigh Pigg, Simon Fraser University
Stefan Ecks, University of Edinburgh
Vincanne Adams, University of California San Francisco
Jennie Gamlin, University College London

Page Details Permalink Last Updated: February 20, 2024