Why Publish in MAQ?

Medical Anthropology Quarterly is an international, peer-reviewed journal published by the Society for Medical Anthropology, a section of the American Anthropological Association. The journal publishes research and theory in all areas of medical anthropology. Its goal is to stimulate development of important theory, methods, and debates in medical anthropology and to explore the links between medical anthropology, the broader field of anthropology, and neighboring fields in the humanities, social sciences, and health-related disciplines, including public health and clinical practice.

MAQ strives to publish the best new research and theory in medical anthropology. Here are some of the reasons you should consider sending us your best work.

High visibility

As the flagship journal of SMA, Medical Anthropology Quarterly has high visibility and impact. It is indexed in all the leading bibliographic databases, including PubMed, the Social Sciences Citation Index, and more than 40 more, making it easy for readers to find your work.

Efficient, fair peer review

MAQ uses double-blind reviewing to ensure the highest standards of scholarship. We work hard to make the process as efficient as possible.

Global forum

MAQ has an international audience and draws authors from all over the world. The journal provides a global forum for multiple communities within medical anthropology to talk to one another.

Innovative formats

Beyond the printed journal, MAQ is expanding its use of digital formats to promote new forms of scholarly communication. As an author, you have the opportunity to publish additional supplemental material that enhances your article’s impact.

Page Details Permalink Last Updated: January 21, 2021